News of the group on Computational and Statistical Physics

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< Discrete or continuous
20/09/2018 - Age: 6 yrs

Newton Fellowship

Prestigious grant from the Royal Society won

In a recent  bid to the Royal Society, Manoj Kumar and Martin Weigel won a prestigious Newton International Fellowship to bring Manoj to Coventry as a postdoctoral fellow for two years from some time in spring 2019.

The project revolves around the physics of the random-field Potts model, a system that naturally generalizes the well-studied random-field Ising model, but has received only very little attention to date. We plan to use the recently developed heuristic optimization method based on graph cuts to study this system with the aim of uncovering its phase diagram.

M. Kumar, R. Kumar, M. Weigel, V. Banerjee, W. Janke, and S. Puri, Approximate ground states of the random-field Potts model from graph cuts, Phys. Rev. E 97, 053307 (2018)